With the advent of Jaeger, Humanity thought to be safe from the attacks of Kaiju. However, on 29th February 2020, one of Humanity's Jaeger fell to a Category 3 Kaiju, code named "Knifehead". And from then onward, one by one, Jaegers falling in combat against the Kaiju increase incursion into our blue world. Humanity once more felt threatened for their very existence and the beacon of hope for Humanity starts to flicker.
With the increasing amount of Kaiju attacks in the beginning of the year 2020 and the destruction of Jaegers by the Kaiju kept on increasing. The concept based on an assumption that Kaiju will not attack a wall bordering the coastline gave way for the United Nations to pass their favour over the Jaeger Program. The Anti-Kaiju Wall was born from this concept and less and less Jaeger were constructed as seen by the fact that most are being destroyed faster than being build.
The wall soon began to take shape somewhere in the late 2020. Faced with funding cuts by the United Nations, the PPDC soon start to close down its Jaeger bases known as the Shatterdome around the world. It would seem that with the fast paced of Jaeger destruction by the Kaiju incursion heralds the decline of the Jaeger Program.
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