The damage, however caused by the being later dubbed as "Kaiju" and named as the "Trespasser" by the world, had made three American cities uninhabitable due to the nuclear fallout caused by bringing down the "Kaiju". Tens of thousands lives were lost due to "Trespasser" rampage and billions of damages recorded. San Francisco, Sacramento and Oakland were then renamed as the Exclusion Zone. The American mourned for their losses and moved on. And Humanity thought that it was the first and last of this kind of unprecedented events.
However, 7 months later, 5th February 2014, another Kaiju later named "Hundun" made "landfall", a term coined for the Kaiju attacks, near Manila, Philippines causing widespread death and destruction around the city itself. "Hundun" were finally brought down by a tactical nuclear strike. The excrements from the Kaiju "Hundun" totally wreck the ecosystem in and around Manila city thus making Manila into another San Francisco.
From then on, people living in coastal nations or cities were in fear of another Kaiju attacks. 3 days later, a Kaiju warning system was established to let people know when and where another Kaiju will be making landfall and thus allowed to prepare before the Kaiju arrives. This system was later named the Kaiju Emergency Alert System.
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